Director of Student Experience Nominee
Emma Onwuzuluorah
Candidates Statement:
Hello everyone, my name is Emma Onwuzuluorah I am a first-year student of Interaction design and currently running for the position of the “Director of Student Experience.”
A few things about myself, I am a hardworking, intelligent, and purpose-driven individual who also loves to help solve an existing problem in any way I can.
I surveyed a few students, especially first year’s students like myself and one of the questions I asked was if they have any idea of the activities offered by the student association, more than 80% have no idea about the student association or the services and activities offered by the student association especially students that have regular classes at the Daniels building located at the waterfront campus and I would like to change these issue if I am nominated as the Director of student experience.
As the Director of student experience, I would work hard to promote all recreational activities and other activities throughout the school year.
I would also work hard to make sure all students regardless of your campus are aware of the activities the student association offers and increase the involvement of students in programs.
Thank you and don’t forget to vote for me as the “Director of Student Experience” for a change.