Arts, Design and Information Technology Educational Centre Representative Nominee

Utsav Kalathiya
Candidates Statement:

My name is Utsav Kalathiya, and I am running for Arts Design and Information Technology Educational Centre Representative.

As a student of this college, I understand the importance of having a representative who will effectively represent the interests of the students. My goal is to be the voice of all students, whether they are majoring in the arts, technology, or both. I am committed to ensuring that our voices are heard and that our needs are met.

I have a strong background in both the arts and technology, and I am dedicated to using this knowledge to ensure that our college is equipped with the most up-to-date resources and technology. I believe that the arts should be represented in the curriculum, and I am passionate about advocating for more opportunities for our students to be exposed to the power of the arts.

In addition, I am committed to creating a positive and inclusive environment. I will strive to ensure that all of our students feel welcome, safe, and respected in our college. I am passionate about making sure that everyone has the chance to express their thoughts, opinions, and ideas, and I am committed to working to make sure that everyone has their voice heard.

If elected as Arts Design and Information Technology Educational Centre Representative, I will to work ensure hard that to our ensure needs that our needs are met and that our voices are heard. I am eager to get started on making our college a better place for everyone, and I thank you for your consideration. are met and that our voices are heard. I am confident that I have the knowledge and experience to be an effective representative for our college. Thank you for your consideration.